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Students in Library

What is included in this bond election?

Proposition: $41.9 Million

  • A new Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center

  • A new auxiliary gymnasium

  • Updates to the Music Hall

  • Modernization of the library, lunchroom, core classrooms, CTE classrooms, staff spaces, and common areas

  • Renovations to replace furniture, flooring, and technology

  • Repurposing spaces

  • Exterior renovations

  • Exterior lighting

  • School buses

bond projects

*The cost breakdown does not reflect the acquisition of school buses or contingency funds.

Potential MHS Library

Renovation of Marshall High School Library

The proposed plan would include the renovation of the Marshall High School Library, converting it into a multimedia center.

CTE Building

New Career and Technical Education Building

The proposed plan would include the addition of a new Career and Technical Education (CTE) building to Marshall High School. This building would provide an accredited location for students to earn certificates and licenses for several CTE programs at Marshall ISD.

Lower Classroom Renovations

Renovation to Classrooms & Commons

The proposed plan would include the renovation of all core classrooms and CTE classrooms. Core classroom renovations would include the removal of wood paneling, new paint, new flooring, and new furniture. CTE classroom renovations would provide spaces for students to practice their trades and learn about their programs in a modern facility.