Attention Crockett Parents, Guardians, and Staff! Join us for our next 24-25 Campus Improvement Plan meeting. Then stay afterwards for our February PTO meeting at 5:45 pm. TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK! #TimeToLead #TimeToGrow
2 days ago, David Crockett Elementary School
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Attention Crockett parents.... Our 3rd grade students have the chance to receive a FREE... (YES FREE) bicycle just for reading. The Read to Ride program aims to promote a love for reading and improve overall reading skills. Mission Marshall and Marshall ISD have partnered to provide a new bicycle to every third grader that will improve their reading by at least one reading level. We are looking for 100% of our 3rd graders to receive a bicycle in May. Let's start reading. #TimeToREAD #TimeToGrow
10 days ago, David Crockett Elementary School
read span
Attention Crockett Parents... Please join us for a PTO meeting today at 5:45 pm in the cafeteria. You still have a chance to join PTO for $7. We need you! Please park in the back of the school. Thank you!
17 days ago, David Crockett Elementary School
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Attention Crockett Parents... We will have lockdown drill this Thursday at 9:30 am. There will be no check-ins or check-outs during this time. Please plan accordingly. Thank you! DC Administration team
2 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett Parents... Please join us for a PTO meeting Monday November 18th at 5:45 pm in the cafeteria. You still have a chance to join PTO for $7. We need you! Please park in the back of the school. Thank you!
3 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
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Attention Crockett parents… We are monitoring the weather, and will make a decision about our parent pick up line by 2:00 pm today. However, tomorrow morning (Oct. 31) will be reduced to one lane due to the impending 70% chance thunderstorm. Thank you for your patience as we intend to keep our students and staff safe and dry.
4 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett Parents... Please join us for a PTO meeting Monday October 28th at 5:45 pm in the cafeteria. You still have a chance to join PTO for $7. We need you! Please park in the back of the school. Thank you!
4 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
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Attention Crockett Parents… This is a reminder that you must have a car tag when picking up your student from school in the afternoon. If you have to make other arrangements, please make sure that the person has your car tag. All car tags must be visible through your windshield. We will ask you to park, and come inside the building to verify who you are if there is not a car tag available. We understand that may be an inconvenience to you. However, we want to ensure that all of our students are safe, and placed with the correct people. Thank you!
4 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett Parents... We will have a fire drill tomorrow at 9:00 am. There will be no check-ins or check-outs during this time. Please plan accordingly. Thank you! DC Administration team
4 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett Parents... This is a reminder that fall break is next week (Oct. 7-11). Monday Oct. 14th is a Staff Development Day. We will see our students bright and early on Tuesday Oct. 15th. Also, reminder that Tuesday Oct. 15th is Fall picture retake day.
4 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
fall break
Please come out and support David Crockett Elementary PTO as we will have a table set up. Go Mavs!!
5 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett Parents.... Tuesday October 1st is an early release/parent conference day. Students will be released at 12:06 pm. Teacher/parent conferences will start promptly at 1:30 pm until 6:00 pm. Please be on the lookout for communication from your child’s teacher. Thank you!
5 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
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Attention Crockett parents... We will have a severe weather drill Thursday at 9:00 am. Parents will not be allowed to check in/out during this time. Please plan accordingly. Thank you! DC administration.
5 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett Parents... Please join us for a PTO meeting Thursday September 18th at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. You still have a chance to join PTO for $7. We need you! Please park in the back of the school. Thank you!
5 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Mrs. Tatum and Ms. Johnson (MJHS StuCo sponsors) and StuCo members spoke to DC 5th graders about the great things that student council has to offer. 🤘🏼🤘🏽
5 months ago, Tamira Alejandro
Attention DC parents..... Join us Thursday September 12th at 4:30 for a Title 1 meeting in the DC cafeteria prior to Open House. Find out what Title 1 means, and how we qualify as a Title 1 campus. There will be a second chance meeting on Friday September 13th at 8:00 am in the DC library. Thank you!! DC Leadership Team.
5 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
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Attention Crockett parents... We will have a fire drill tomorrow at 9:45 am. Parents will not be allowed to check in/out during this time. Please plan accordingly. Thank you! DC administration.
6 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett parents/guardians... Fall pictures are this Friday. Order forms were sent home with students last week. Students must wear a red uniform shirt, and uniform bottoms. They may change into their Maverick spirit shirt and jeans after the picture. Thank you!
6 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
fall pic
Attention Crockett Parents/Guardians, Join us for Meet The Teacher night on Thursday Aug. 8th. KG-2nd grade is 5:00-5:45 pm. 3rd-5th grade is 5:45-6:30 pm. Kona Ice and MHS Cheerleaders will be our special guests. Make sure to stop in the library for our Club Fair. We are looking for UIL participants, StuCo members, and PTO members just to name a few. Students must be registered in order to receive a class placement. Thank you!
6 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett Parents, Please join us for Popsicles with the Principal on Tuesday Aug. 6 from 5:30-6:30 pm. Come enjoy a popsicle, and play on the playground with Mrs. Bayless and Ms. Jones. This is a come and go event. We are eager to see our students early before school starts Monday Aug. 8th. #TimeToLead #TimeToGrow
6 months ago, David Crockett Elementary School