RED RIBBON WEEK | October 24-27 (October 23rd is a student holiday) Mark your calendars so that you can participate. Look at the daily themes and start planning!
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
red ribbon
Friday is PINK OUT! Wear pink on Friday, October 13th, in support of Breast Cancer Awareness! Students and staff may wear jeans with pink or a Maverick shirt.
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention parents.... DC PTO will host its first meeting tomorrow at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. Please enter the building from the back of the school. Not a member yet? You still have time to join us. Come see what wonderful things the PTO has in store this year.
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Fall Break will be here before you know it! Fall Break is October 16th-20th! There is no school for students on Monday, October 23rd, for staff development day.
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
fall break
Common assessments are this week. RLA is Tuesday. Math is Wednesday. Science and Social Studies are Thursday. Make ups are Friday. The first six weeks also ends Wednesday Sept. 20. Please make sure to check Class Dojo and Skyward for grades and teacher announcements. Thank you!!!
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention parents.... 4th/5th grade STAAR remediation starts Tuesday Sept. 5 during Primetime and WIN time. It is imperative that our students are here everyday. Team work makes the dream work.
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention Crockett parents…. Don’t forget that Monday is a holiday. See you all Tuesday.
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
no school
The attendance of our students matters! Missing a day of school here and there may not seem like much, but absences add up!
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
attendance matters
Visit Maverick Market at the Administration Building to stock up on t-shirts, hats, cups and accessories for you and your littlest mav! Open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. M-F!
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Maverick Market
Maverick Market
Maverick gear
Maverick Gear
Attention parents.... Lunch is closed to parents this week. We will send home a parent information letter this week outlining lunch times and protocols. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
MEET THE TEACHER EVENTS ARE THIS WEEK! All events will be held from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the following dates. August 7 - Sam Houston August 10 - David Crockett, Price T. Young and William B. Travis !NEW DATE! August 11 - MECC
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher
TODAY... TODAY... TODAY.... Come out and meet your new Principal and Assistant Principal. Mrs. Bayless and Ms. Jones are so eager to meet you all. See you at 5:30 pm starting in the cafeteria. #TheSeasonOfGrowth
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
pop span
REGISTRATION FOR THE 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR FOR NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS BEGINS JULY 31ST! New-to-District Enrollment and Online Registration Assistance will be available at the Administration Building from July 31st to August 3rd from 8:30 am to 11:00 am and 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Required documentation for enrollment: Non-resident student transfer request deadline has been extended to August 1st! Information reguarding enrollment, registration, or student transfers can be found here:
over 1 year ago, Tamira Alejandro
Just a reminder: Start your summer break with a free hot dog, popcorn, face painting, and games! 🌭🍿
over 1 year ago, Tamira Alejandro
almost 2 years ago, Tamira Alejandro
5th grade is 30 minutes away from the school!
almost 2 years ago, Tamira Alejandro
5th Grade Parents-WE ARE LEAVING DALLAS! Headed home.
almost 2 years ago, Tamira Alejandro
The Sugar Shack is coming to Field Day! 🍧 $3
almost 2 years ago, Tamira Alejandro
The Sugar Shack is coming to Field Day! 🍧
It's National School Nurse Day! We want to thank our nurses at MISD for all that they do while caring for our students! School nurses have served a critical role in improving public health and in ensuring student’s academic success for more than 120 years!
almost 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
National School Nurse Day
💥‼️Attention‼️💥 Our campus will be closed to visitors on Tuesday (April 25th) and Thursday (April 27th) due to STAAR testing. Parents will not be allowed to come on campus to visit classrooms or eat with students. We apologize for any inconvenience. 🌟Before the test, the best preparation is to help your child spend some time relaxing, getting a good night’s rest, and eating healthy meals.🌟
almost 2 years ago, Tamira Alejandro
Closed Campus