Dear Parents/Guardians:
The Fundraiser (Cookie Dough) has arrived and is ready for pick up. Please come to the back door of the gym and the Coaches will bring your fundraiser box to you. The end time is at 4:00 pm today. Please note do not block the driveway or park in the bus lane during dismissal from 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm.
Estimados padres/tutores:
La recaudación de fondos (masa para galletas) ha llegado y está lista para ser recogida. Favor de ir a la puerta trasera del gimnasio y los entrenadores le traerán su caja de recaudación de fondos. Tendrá hasta las 4:00 pm del día de hoy para recoger sus ordenes. Tenga en cuenta que no debe bloquear el camino de entrada ni estacionarse en el carril de autobús durante la salida de 3:00 p. m. a 3:30 p. m.

Spring Break Reminder🌺🌸

Due to safety concerns, students are NOT allowed to wear CROCS to school.

February 21st Spring Picture Day
Students have free dress on this day. Sibling pictures can be taken, but MUST be requested by the parent. They will be taken after everyone has had their picture taken. If you want sibling pictures, you have to send a note requesting it.

Good Afternoon Parents, The 2021-2022 School Report Cards can be found online at
A more complete report about Crockett Elementary, the Texas Academic Performance Report
(TAPR), is available by contacting my office or can be accessed online at
Please contact the principal, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, if you have any questions concerning this report card. Thank you for your continued support of David Crockett.

Attention parent/Guardians:
Our Spring Fundraiser will begin today, Jan. 26, 2023 and will end Feb. 7, 2023. The profits from the Fall & Spring fundraisers will cover the cost of our EOY field trips, field day, and six weeks' incentives.
Nuestra recaudación de fondos de primavera comenzará el 26 de Enero de 2023 y finalizará el 7 de Febrero de 2023. Las ganancias de las recaudaciones de fondos de otoño y primavera cubrirán el costo de nuestras excursiones de fin de año, el día de campo y los incentivos de cada seis semanas

Winter Countdown (December 12-16) ❄️☃️

Dear Parents & Guardians, Starting Monday, November 28, 2022 all bus students "Must have a bus badge to ride the bus" according to the transportation policy.
Two years ago, Marshall ISD transportation started the school bus badge program. This program was made for the safety and well-being of Marshall ISD students. Every student that is signed up on the school bus is given a free badge so that every time they get on and off the bus, they are to scan into the Transportation program. The badge also helps the driver, Principals, Police, EMT, and the fire department to correctly identify each individual on the bus. This is extremely important to be able to notify the parents in case of an emergency. We at Marshall ISD Transportation would like to strongly encourage all parents and guardians to ensure their child has their badge every day they get on the bus. Students must have a bus badge to ride the bus. If they need a replacement card, it will be $5.00. All the student has to do is let the driver know, and they will receive the badge within a day or two.

Thanksgiving Break is quickly approaching! 🦃 All MISD schools will be closed November 21-25. Classes will resume on November 28th.


The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! SAVE THE DATE for November 7-11 and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. Start exploring together: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/davidcrockettelementarysch1 #ScholasticBookFairs

College Awareness Week! 🎓🏫🪖

Parents/Guardians, This is a friendly reminder from the flyers sent home on October 13th:
Thanksgiving Lunch RSVP and money is due Monday, October 31, 2022
DC Thanksgiving Lunch (K-2 11/10/22 & 3rd-5th 11/11/22) RSVP is required
Padres, este es un seguimiento a los papeles que fueron enviados a casa el 13 de Octubre:
El almuerzo del Dia de Acción de Gracias sera el 10 de Noviembre para Kinder-2do grado y 11 de Noviembre para 3-5to grado. Los almuerzos de Accion de Gracias seran solo por orden. Favor de mandar el dinero y avisarnos si desea comprar un almuerzo antes del día 31 de Octubre.

Parents/Guardians, Please check your scholars backpack for the following flyers that were sent home today:
DC Family Math Night Event (10/18/22)
DC Unity Day (10/19/22)
DC Storybook Parade (10/31/22)
DC Thanksgiving Lunch (K-2 11/10/22 & 3rd-5th 11/11/22) RSVP is due 10/31/22
Padres, por favor cheque la mochila de sus hijos, ahí mandamos unos papeles hoy:
Noche de matemáticas (18 de octubre del 2022)
Dia de Unidad (19 de octubre)
Desfile de Libros (31 de octubre)
El almuerzo del Dia de Acción de Gracias (kínder a 2do / 10 de noviembre y 3ro a 5to/11 de noviembre) favor de avisar antes día 31 de octubre.

This is a friendly reminder that our Read Around the World PTO is tonight from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Uvalde ISD will be returning to school for the 2022-2023 school year on Tuesday, September 6th. To stand in support, students and staff will be allowed to wear jeans with maroon and white on Tuesday.
Please remember that students are NOT permitted to wear jeans that are ripped or torn .
Este año escolar, el distrito Uvalde ISD regresará el martes, 6 de septiembre. Para apoyar a los alumnos y facultad, favor de traer un pantalón de mezclilla con una playera color guinda y blanco. Favor de no traer pantalones desgastados.

Good Afternoon Parents and Guardians, If you have a scholar that is a walker please note they will have a form sent home tomorrow they will need filled out and returned to the office no later than Thursday, September 1, 2022. All walkers must walk to a house and not a vehicle. The address the student is walking to must be included on this form.

This is a friendly reminder that the David Crockett's Open House is tonight from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. We will meet in the cafeteria for the Parent Orientation, Title 1 Information then release all to go to the classrooms.

Dear Crockett Families, On Rainy Days we will have one line for morning drop offs. Please make sure to pull all the way down so we can unload several scholars at the same time.
After school we will have two lanes that will merge into one lane just like McDonalds & Chick-Fil-A drive throughs. Please be patient with us and follow the directions of the adults standing in the rain to help ensure your scholars safety.
Please do not move any of the cones that are in the car rider lines.
With your help we were off of the road by 3:45 pm today.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Dear Parents/Guardians:
This is to inform you of the drop off & pick-up procedures at David Crockett Elementary School. These procedures are being put into place for student’s safety. Thank you for taking the time to read through these procedures, and adhering to them.
All students must be a car rider, bus rider, daycare, Boys & Girls Club or walker (to a house and not a car on the street). All car riders are picked up at the front of the school through the car rider’s line. Bus riders and daycare are released to their bus or van at the back of the school. Walkers are escorted across the street. Boys and Girls Club students remain in the building.
We do not allow parents to walk to the front of the school to pick your students up due to several safety concerns.
Parents of car riders MUST drop off and pick up students in the front of the school in one of the following lanes.
*The right lane will be for Kindergarten - 2nd graders and you will need to exit the school on the right.
*The left lane will be for 3rd - 5th graders and you will need to exit the school on the left.
*If a 3rd - 5th grader has a K-2nd grade sibling they will be picked up in the right lane with them.
Please help us make sure your scholar gets dropped off and picked up safely by the following:
1. No cell phone use in the school zone
2. No speeding
3. No cutting in Line and
4. Please have your car tag visible so we can read it
Thank you for your support and cooperation, as they have been put in place for your child’s safety.