Schedule pick up for 10th, 11th and 12th graders is listed on the flyer below. Student parking stickers can be purchased at the time of schedule pick up. Please bring valid drivers license, proof of insurance, license plate number and $5 cash. Student MUST be registered in order to pick up their schedule!
6 months ago, Whitney Tovar
Schedule pick up information 🤘 Información para recoger horarios de clase 🤘
7 months ago, Whitney Tovar
schedule pick up
schedule pick up
7 months ago, Whitney Tovar
freshman orientation
freshman orientation
Registration information for new to district and returning students: Registration will take place at the Administration Building (1305 E Pinecrest Dr) July 22nd-July 25th from 8:30 A.M.-7:00 P.M. with a one hour break for lunch from 11:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. RETURNING STUDENTS: Returning students may be registered online. Computers and assistance will be provided to parents that need assistance completing their child’s online registration. If parents are in need of re-setting their password to family access, they must present a valid Driver’s license. All changes to address and phone numbers need to be completed before you can complete the online registration. Only the parent/Guardian in family 1 can register their child or make changes in Skyward. NEW TO DISTRICT STUDENTS PREK-12 GRADE: Documentation that parents/legal guardian will need to bring to enroll include- Valid Driver License Child’s Birth Certificate Child’s Social Security Card Child’s Immunization Records Proof of Residence: current property taxes MISD, current rental agreement, or current utility bill-water, gas, or electric in your name. If you are residing with someone, in their home they will need to provide one of the above acceptable proofs of address and be present to complete an Affidavit both parties will need to have valid Driver License. DD214 for Veterans Foster Care paperwork CPS form 2085E Estudiantes Nuevos Inscribiendo Y Registro en línea para estudiantes regresando: Registro en línea para estudiantes regresando: Se proporcionarán computadoras y asistencia a los padres que necesiten ayuda para completar la inscripción en línea de su hijo. Los padres necesitarán una licencia de conducir válida para restablecer la contraseña de acceso familiar. Todos los cambios en la dirección y los números de teléfono deben completarse antes de que pueda completar el registro en línea. Solo el padre/tutor de la familia 1 puede registrar a su hijo o realizar cambios en Skyward. Estudiantes Nuevos al distrito en grados PK-12: Documentación que el padre/tutor legal deberá traer para inscribir. Identificación válida con foto del padre/madre o guarián inscribiendo el estudiante Certificado de nacimiento del niño Tarjeta de Seguro Social del niño Registros de vacunación del niño Comprobante de residencia: recibo de impuestos de propiedad MISD, o acuerdo de rentar o factura actual de servicios públicos: agua, gas o electricidad a su nombre. Si reside con alguien, en su hogar deberán proporcionar uno de los comprobantes de domicilio aceptables anteriores y estar presentes para completar una declaración jurada, ambas partes deberán tener una licencia de conducir o identificación válida. DD214 para veteranos Papeleo de cuidado de crianza Formulario CPS 2085E
7 months ago, Whitney Tovar
Freshman Orientation Info 🤘🏼
7 months ago, Whitney Tovar
Freshman Orientation
Grado 9 Orientacion
Summer STAAR EOC Testing Location: Marshall Junior High 2710 E. Travis St. Testing Schedule: June 24- English 1 June 25- Biology and US History June 26- English 2 June 27- Algebra Students should arrive at 7:30 am on the day of testing. Testing will begin at 8:00 am. If you have questions please email Layla Ames at
8 months ago, Marshall High School
Marshall High School Summer Reading Lists!
8 months ago, Marshall High School
Algebra I STAAR EOC testers: make plans to attend these test prep sessions!
10 months ago, Marshall High School
ALG 1 eoc
FYI: ETCADA will be on campus tomorrow, 01/31/2024. All students are invited to attend.
about 1 year ago, Marshall High School
The FAFSA meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday, January 17th at 5:30 pm has been rescheduled for Wednesday, January 24th at 5:30 pm., due to school closure. The meeting will be held in the MHS cafeteria for any senior student and/or parent that wants to attend. If possible, both the student and one parent should create their own FSA ID prior to the meeting. To create your FSA ID, go to and click "create account" in the top right hand corner. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Marshall High School
The 2024-2025 FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid is now open. All Seniors need to complete the FAFSA, as it is a graduation requirement in the state of Texas. We are hosting a FAFSA information night on Wednesday, January 17 at 5:30pm in the MHS cafeteria for any senior student and/or parent that wants to attend. If possible, both the student and one parent should create their own FSA ID prior to the meeting. To create your FSA ID, go to and click "create account" in the top right hand corner.
about 1 year ago, Marshall High School
Attention upperclassmen retesters: December STAAR End of Course testing for Algebra 1 will be held Wednesday the 6th of December. We will be offering EOC review and practice on Saturday November 5, November 18, December 2 from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. Please plan to attend and let us help you pass the Algebra 1 EOC. Please email if you have any questions.
over 1 year ago, Marshall High School
Please come out, Thursday, November 14th, for our annual College Knowledge Workshop, presented by MISD AVID and MHS. See flyers for info!
over 1 year ago, Marshall High School
Fall Break will be here before you know it! Fall Break is October 16th-20th! There is no school for students on Monday, October 23rd, for staff development day.
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
fall break
The attendance of our students matters! Missing a day of school here and there may not seem like much, but absences add up!
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
attendance matters
Visit Maverick Market at the Administration Building to stock up on t-shirts, hats, cups and accessories for you and your littlest mav! Open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. M-F!
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Maverick Market
Maverick Market
Maverick gear
Maverick Gear
Attention Senior Parents and Guardians:
over 1 year ago, Marshall High School
English parent meeting
Spanish parent meeting
MAVERICK FOOTBALL TICKETS Maverick season football tickets are still on sale until 12:00 pm on Wednesday, August 9th! Season tickets are available online or at the Y A Tittle Athletics Fieldhouse ticket office. Office hours are 8am-4pm for ticket sales. Seats are $40 in Section C and D(with backs), $36 Section B(without backs). We will be hosting Longview, Hallsville, Texas High and Whitehouse this year and you will not want to miss those games. Go Mavs!
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
ATTENTION: We are excited to announce that work will begin this week at Maverick Stadium! These upgrades include new stadium fencing, home and visitor ticket booths, and a new locker room for visiting teams and Maverick girls' soccer. Please be aware that heavy equipment and workers will be operating near Maverick Dr. These upgrades are made possible by the financial diligence of the Marshall ISD Board of Trustees as well as a Safety and Security Grant and are not related to bond activities.
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Lady Maverick Volleyball action starts today at 1:20 pm! Come out and support our MHS Volleyball Players!
over 1 year ago, Marshall High School
lady mavs volleyball