Mark your calendars! Meet the Mavs will be at Maverick Stadium, August 17th @ 6pm!
over 1 year ago, Marshall High School
Meet the Mavs
MHS Schedule Pick-up: 08/09 - 12th Grade: 8:30 - 10:30 am, 11th Grade: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, 10th Grade: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. 08/10 - 9th Grade 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. Remember, if you are not registered, you will not have a schedule. See you soon!
over 1 year ago, Marshall High School
CTE Parent Info Meeting! SENIORS ONLY
over 1 year ago, Marshall High School
CTE Parent Info Meeting
Congratulations to our Marshall FFA students who received their lonestar degrees at the State FFA Convention this week! We are so proud of the hard work and dedication that we have seen from our FFA students this year and cannot wait to see what they do in the 23-24 school year!
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Marshall ffa students who received lone star degrees
Marshall ffa students
Attention Mavericks...... If you are taking summer classes at Panola College, TODAY is the last day that you can drop a class for the Summer I term. However, contact your professor or Angie Musgrove at as soon as possible if you had difficulty completing assignments due to the power outages. Thank you!! Mrs. Hudson Senior Counselor
over 1 year ago, David Crockett Elementary School
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
over 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
It's National School Nurse Day! We want to thank our nurses at MISD for all that they do while caring for our students! School nurses have served a critical role in improving public health and in ensuring student’s academic success for more than 120 years!
almost 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
National School Nurse Day
Attention seniors... Due to the Algebra 1 EOC tomorrow, seniors will report to the cafeteria for check in at 8:30am. We will participate in a mandatory training by the State of Texas that focuses on CPR and other safety regulations. Mrs. Bayless will release you for your X day when training is complete. If you have an AP test or have to retake the Algebra 1 EOC, you will report to your testing room.
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention MHS and MEGS seniors... Last day to purchase prom tickets will be Monday May 1st. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Thank you!!
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention senior parents.... The MHS Senior Scholarship Assembly will be Monday, May 8 at 6:00pm in the MHS Auditorium. The original senior calendar had the date as May 9, but this is INCORRECT. Mrs. Hill (Go Center Coordinator) will notify seniors if they have received a scholarship from one of our local organizations once she has been aware from that organization. Those seniors will be asked to attend the assembly. NHS stoles, NAHS cords, Top 10%, and Distinguished Achievement (white cap and gown) cords will also be handed out at this event. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention all freshmen and any Algebra 1 re-tester.... MHS Algebra I teachers will be hosting tutorials for the upcoming EOC Algebra I EOC this Saturday April 29th and Saturday May 6th from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. These tutorials are for any student who will take the Algebra I EOC on Tuesday May 9th. Snacks will be provided.
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention seniors and senior parents.... MHS Class of 2023 Top Ten Percent, Salutatorian, and Valedictorian will be announced on Wednesday April 26. Stay tuned..... #ACES
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
MHS will have two safety drills (fire, lockdown) this Friday Apr. 14 during 3rd period (9:35-10:21 am). Check ins and/or check outs will not be allowed during that time. Please plan accordingly. Thank you! MHS Administration
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Remember Mavericks..... No school Friday Apr. 7 and Monday Apr. 10 due to Easter break.
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
Attention seniors.... Reminder.... ALL courses in Edgenuity must be completed by Friday April 14, 2023. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Deadline for 1st semester seat time is Thursday April 27, 2023. Do not get behind.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Bayless- Principal
Attention seniors and senior parents.... SMILE Day parent letters are due tomorrow to your student's government or economic teacher. It must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. Students not in government or economics will take the letter home just as a precaution. Those students do not have to return the form signed. Seniors will receive an X day this Friday after their SMILE interviews. However, all seniors in Mav U or TSTC dual credit must report to that class at its regular time. Seniors that drive or will be picked up will receive a pass from the senior principal and counselor starting tomorrow and Thursday that will be shown to the guard at the guard shack upon entry and exit on Friday. Mav U students will receive a pass as well. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Bayless- Principal
Friday Mar. 10 is a Staff Development Day!
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
MHS will administer the Biology benchmark Thursday Mar. 9. It is imperative that all 9th graders are in attendance.
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School
MHS Class of 2023 Senior Trip is Wednesday Mar. 8. Seniors that were approved to go, make sure that you bring your signed permission slip. You will not be able to attend without it.
almost 2 years ago, David Crockett Elementary School