STAAR 2.0 Community Night is tomorrow Mar. 7 at 5:30 pm in the MHS Auditorium. Come gather information on the new changes coming to the STAAR End Of Course Exams.

All juniors will take the District ACT test tomorrow Mar. 7.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the English 2 benchmarks have been moved to Wednesday March 8, 2023. It is imperative that all 10th graders are present as teachers prepare for that last push before the English 2 EOC Thursday Apr. 20, 2023. Remember, EOCs are a graduation requirement.

Attention seniors....
Mandatory senior meeting is this Wednesday after announcements. It is imperative that every senior is in attendance.

Tuesday Feb. 28 is the English 1 spring benchmark test. It is imperative that all of our 9th graders are present to take this test. This benchmark will give our freshman teachers that last piece of data to help prepare for the English 1 EOC test Tuesday Apr. 18, 2023. Please remember that EOC tests are a graduation requirement.

Mav Relays are Saturday Feb. 18 at Maverick Stadium. Field events start at 9:00 am. Running Events start at 12:30 pm. Come support the Mavs as they kick off track season.

Parent/Teacher conferences will start at 1:30 pm. Please email your student's teacher for a time if the teacher has not been in contact with you, the parent.

MHS Cheer and Mascot Mandatory Parent Meeting is this evening at 5:45 pm in the MHS library.

Friday February 17th is an early release and parent conference day.
There is no school on Monday February 20th in observance of President's Day.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Mav Salon will not open this Saturday.

Attention Freshmen parents...
Freshmen students will receive a new copy of their transcripts next week. Please be patient as we correct the mistakes made on the first copy. Thank you!!

The Marshall FFA continues to work hard on their projects coming into competition season.

The Mav salon will have its first Saturday opening this Saturday from 8:00 am- 12:00 pm. Come out and support MHS cosmetology students as they work towards their 1000 hours and certification. You must make an appointment. See Mrs. Deckard or any cosmetology student for details.

The ASVAB will be given next Thursday Jan. 19th. This test is required for potential military service. Any student in ROTC are already registered to take the test. Please see Mrs. Hill in the Go Center for more details.

Softball tryouts are coming soon. There is a mandatory parent/player meeting on Monday Jan. 9th in the gym at 5:30 pm. Contact Coach Williams if you have any questions.

Attention juniors...
Leadership Tomorrow applications are due no later than 3:00 pm on Monday January 9th. You may pick up an application from Mrs. Paul's office.

Attention Mavericks,
Counselors have printed out new schedules for students to pick up in the morning before reporting to their first period class. Students will report to the designated areas at 7:40 am:
Freshmen- Gym Hallway
Sophomores- Front of Auditorium
Juniors/Seniors- Outside Library
Please note- Counselors WILL NOT make any schedule changes until Friday Jan. 6. Report cards will go home Thursday Jan. 5.
Thank you!!

9th-12th Fall and senior picture retakes will be this Thursday.

Attention parents.... There will be no checkouts after 2:15 pm today due to the playoff pep rally. Please plan accordingly. Thank you! MHS Administration

Attention parents...
MHS will conduct a tornado and lockout drill tomorrow at 9:00 am. No one will be allowed to check in or out during this time. Please plan accordingly.
Thank you!
MHS administration