Vouchers Special Session

Maverick Family,

The Texas Special Session on school vouchers begins today. Marshall ISD feels that it is important that our district and community are informed on what vouchers actually provide and what they mean for Texas Public Schools. The attached letter was written and shared by the Superintendent of Ennis ISD and contains his observations in regards to vouchers.

We encourage you to reach out to our elected officials and let them know how you feel about this topic. Below you will find the contact information for our local officials and Governor Abbott's office.

Here are a few words from Dr. Langley about the letter:

I would like to say that I wrote the letter below, however, I did not. It is filled with accurate information pertaining to "vouchers" or as some may call them, "education savings accounts". This was written by the Superintendent of Ennis ISD who shared it with his district and community, and it was then shared with other district leaders to use as they see fit. I believe it is worth sharing. It is very lengthy, however it is also very important that factual information be shared with our staff and community, as it appears some of the folks down in Austin don't want our taxpayers to know the truth, including the fact that the billionaires from west Texas, are truly the people pushing for this. Why should they have any impact on what happens in any other part of the state as far as our children's education goes, including in east Texas. I ask that you take the time to read the following message. I also want to take time to thank Jay Dean, who represents us in the House of Representatives for supporting public education!


Richele Langley


Governor Greg Abbott



Bryan Hughes - Texas Senate District 1




Jay Dean - House of Representatives District 7


