Attention parents of 9th grade and JV football players

Starting tomorrow, the west entrance to Marshall Junior High will be blocked off.
If you need to visit MJHS, you must use the main entrance closest to Indian Springs Dr.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for
Marshall ISD! It's everything Marshall ISD, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/37yMvUB
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3Jrw5KK

Marshall ISD is hiring Police Officers and a Police Officer/K-9 Handler.
For any questions, please contact Chief Arledge at the contact information below.

Marshall ISD is very excited to announce that we have launched a new website! Head over to marshallisd.com to explore our new site and all that it has to offer!

Attention parents of bus riders:
The Traversa Ride 360 mobile app provides secure access to student routing information, student scans, current bus location, and planned bus paths.
Ride 360 provides quick access to your child’s routing information, which can include the bus stop, route, driver, and bus number. Ride 360 can also utilize GPS data to give parents and guardians access to information on where their child’s school bus is, the planned bus path, and what time it is expected to be at their scheduled bus stop. School districts may also send notifications to subscribed users of Ride 360 to inform them of general information such as school closings and delays.
The login link can be found on the Transportation page on marshallisd.com.
Learn how to sign up with the User Guides.

Join the Maverick Family!

Join us Monday, July 11th, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the book signing of Hunter Taylor's new book, "Draw the Line." Reminisce with former coaches and players about historic Marshall High School football.

Marshall ISD will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, July 4th and 5th, in observance of Independence Day.

Painting has begun for the MHS dance studio and auto shop! We are so excited to see the progress of these two rooms and cannot wait to see the finished results!

We are ready to launch the new website and app soon!

Come teach for Marshall ISD!

Congratulations to Tierrani Johnson and Shannon Mills, who were chosen as 2021-2022 Track and Field All-Stars by the Texas Girls Coaches Association.

Look out for our new billboards if you are traveling on I-20 or Highway 59! On I-20, you can find one near Estes Parkway in Longview and one between Highway 59 and Highway 31 in Marshall. If you are traveling Northbound on Highway 59, you can see one across from Marshall High School.

Don't forget the 2nd week of Summer School is next week!

Our maintenance and facility staff continue working hard as they start on the new MHS dance room. We cannot wait to share the progress and what more is being done this summer at MISD!

Summer Reading Lists for MHS and MJHS are now available at:
While we encourage all our students to read during the summer, these reading lists are only required for STEM and Advanced classes at MJHS and PreAP and AP classes at MHS.

A great night was had by all at the FFA Banquet this evening, at Bear Creek. We celebrated an amazing year and some incredibly talented students.

Mr. Rudy Medina was sworn back in as a school board member this afternoon at the MISD Agenda Review Meeting. MISD would also like to welcome Mr. Lee Lewis as he joins our MISD School Board.

Here’s a throwback for you as we celebrate Women’s History Month throughout March. This one is from the 1962 Maverick yearbook.