All MISD facilities will open tomorrow (Friday, January 19, 2024) at normal school time. At this time, MISD administrators have confirmed water pressure is adequate at all campuses. We look forward to seeing all students and staff tomorrow.

Los administradores de Marshall ISD han estado conduciendo carreteras por toda nuestra comunidad. Aunque las carreteras principales están bien, los barrios y las carreteras rurales siguen siendo heladas. Los autobuses no podrían recoger de forma segura a nuestros estudiantes en las zonas rurales. Con el fin de garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal, todas las instalaciones de MISD permanecerán cerradas el jueves 18 de enero de 2024. Planeamos reanudar los horarios normales del distrito el viernes.

Marshall ISD administrators have been out driving roads throughout our community. Although main roads are fine, neighborhoods and rural roads are still icy. Buses would not be able to safely pick up our students in rural areas. In order to ensure the safety of our students and staff, all MISD facilities will remain closed on Thursday, January 18, 2024. We plan to resume normal campus schedules, Friday.

Due to continued extreme weather conditions, all Marshall ISD facilities will remain closed Wednesday, January 17, 2024. This includes any after school or other school sanctioned activities. Please continue to check our normal communication outlets for further updates. Thank you and please stay safe.

Debido a las continuas condiciones climáticas extremas, todas las instalaciones de Marshall ISD permanecerán cerradas el miércoles 17 de enero de 2024. Esto incluye cualquier actividad después de la escuela u otras actividades sancionadas por la escuela. Por favor, continúe revisando nuestros puntos de comunicación normales para obtener más actualizaciones. Gracias y, por favor, cuídate.

Debido a las condiciones climáticas extremas, todas las instalaciones de Marshall ISD estarán cerradas el martes 16 de enero de 2024. Esto incluye cualquier actividad después de la escuela u otras actividades sancionadas por la escuela. Por favor, continúe revisando nuestros puntos de comunicación normales para obtener más actualizaciones. Estamos monitoreando el clima y las condiciones de las carreteras para el miércoles y transmitiremos esa decisión el martes. Gracias y, por favor, cuídate.

Due to extreme weather conditions, all Marshall ISD facilities will be closed Tuesday, January 16, 2024. This includes any after school or other school sanctioned activities. Please continue to check our normal communication outlets for further updates. We are monitoring the weather and road conditions for Wednesday and will relay that decision on Tuesday. Thank you and please stay safe.

Price T. Young Fine Arts Academy will host a Parent Information Night for those interested in applying. The information night will be held in the PTY cafeteria on Thursday, January 18, at 5:30 pm.

As we begin the spring semester, don't forget that absences add up!

Sam Houston STEM Academy will host a STEM Information Session for those interested in applying. The information session will be on Tuesday, January 16, from 5:30 to 6:30 on the Sam Houston campus.
Application Deadline is January 29, 2024

There will be no school on Monday, January 15th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

MISD will be open Tuesday, January 9th! Water has been restored to all campuses. Due to the boil notice, students may bring bottled water from home. MISD will also have bottled water available at each campus. MISD Food Services will serve meals that do not require water along with juice and milk at no cost. We are excited to welcome all students back tomorrow.
MISD estará abierto el martes 9 de enero. El suministro de agua ha sido restablecido en todas las escuelas. Debido a la advertencia de hervir el agua, los estudiantes pueden traer agua embotellada de casa. MISD también proporcionará agua embotellada en cada escuela. Los Servicios de Alimentación de MISD ofrecerán comidas que no requieren agua, junto con jugo y leche sin costo. Estamos emocionados de dar la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes mañana!

Due to ongoing water issues across the city, Marshall ISD will ancel classes for Monday, January 8th. The MISD staff has been at each campus this evening and there is either very low water pressure or no water at every campus. There will be more information from MISD tomorrow as we find out more from the City of Marshall.
Debido a problemas continuos con el suministro de agua en toda la ciudad, Marshall ISD ha decidido cancelar las clases para el lunes 8 de enero. El personal de MISD ha estado en cada escuela esta noche y hay una presión de agua muy baja o no hay agua en cada escuela. Habrá más información de MISD mañana a medida que obtengamos más detalles de la Ciudad de Marshall.

Nominations are now open for the Alumni Award of Excellence!
The nomination form and more information can be found at https://www.marshallisd.com/page/hall-of-fame
The nomination deadline is March 1, 2024.

January is School Board Recognition Month!
Here at MISD, we are incredibly grateful to our Board of Trustees! These individuals are devoted to helping make Marshall ISD the best it can be!

Wishing you a Merry Maverick Christmas!🎄

Christmas Break starts soon! There will be no school from December 21st to January 7th. School will resume on Monday, January 8th.
Wednesday, December 20th is early release
Early Release times:
MECC/Elementary - 12:06
MHS/MJHS - 12:26

Give the gift of Maverick spirit this Christmas with an item from Maverick Market!🎄🎁
Almost all items in the Maverick store are 25% off, including hats, cups, blankets, and apparel! The sale will end on December 20th! Come by and check out the sale and some of our new items!

Join us for the MHS and PTY Fall Art Show on Thursday, November 16th, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Michelson Museum of Art!

Tickets for the playoff game this Friday, November 17th, against Midlothian Heritage in Athens can be purchased at the ticket window of the Y. A. Tittle Fieldhouse starting at 10:00 am! Cash or card! No online tickets!
The ticket window will be open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. On Friday, tickets may be purchased from 7:30 am until 12:00 pm.
Students - $5
Adults - $8
All tickets will be $10 at the gate. The Mavericks will be Visitors.